At SLU's Workforce Center expect to receive top-notch continuing education and training. The Center is your non-credit training partner and hub. All programs are eligible to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and some meet the criteria for Professional Development Units (PDUs) as well. Furthermore, all courses earn Confirmation of Completion letters and some are eligible for digital badges. Our ongoing public schedule of courses is updated weekly to meet the demand of our fast-changing workplaces. We look forward to meeting you - learn more about us too.
Welcome to Saint Louis University
training solutions for the modern workforce

Celebrate 10 years with us!

Learn more about our experienced instructors.

We understand your tuition assistance programs.
Course Delivery
SLU's Workforce Center offers instructor-led classes to students in two different formats: Live Online and Live In-person. Due to technology set-up, these delivery methods cannot be combined - a student must choose one format or the other and cannot switch back and forth.
All classes are delivered in the Central Time Zone.
Day classes take place from 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. and Night Classes take place from 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Live Online Enrollment Process and Policies
During registration, select "Instructor-Led - Virtual" from the menu and verify it at checkout. Ensure your preferred home shipping address (no P.O. Boxes), mobile phone and email address have been provided. If physical course materials are needed, they will be shipped directly to you. For more information, visit our Virtual Learning webpage.
Students are required to attend all class sessions in order to receive a Confirmation of Completion (Letter). If an absence cannot be avoided, then students must call 314-977-3226 or email and inform Workforce Center staff of this absence at least 24 hours before the class session. We realize that last minute emergencies, such as illness, death in the family, etc., do sometimes happen, so these will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
Course Materials
Your course could use a combination of learning tools in the form of books, binders and digital courseware through Canvas, an online learning management system. If a class has physical materials, they will be shipped directly to the address provided and arrive 1-5 days prior to the start date of class. For digital learning tools, expect to receive an email invitation(s) to these tools a few days before the first class. Visit our Virtual Learning webpage to learn more about our live-online learning tools.
At the close of your course, you will receive an email with a Qualtrics survey requesting your feedback on your course. We value your feedback and want to ensure that you have the best learning experience possible. After completing the evaluation, your Confirmation of Completion (Letter) will be available in your SLU Workforce Center student portal and can be downloaded as a PDF. This letter shows the hours and CEUs that you have received for completing the course and should be used for tuition reimbursement and assistance programs. Access your letter following the steps below:
- Navigate to the front page of the SLU Workforce Center website at
- At the top right of the page click 'Login/Enroll'.
- Login to your student portal using your email address and password.
- Once within the student portal click 'Enrollment History' from the left hand navigation.
- Click 'Print' for your corresponding course.
- Choose 'Confirmation of Completion' from the report dropdown then click 'Print.'
- Download your 'Confirmation of Completion' letter.

This short video demonstrates the above steps.
In addition to receiving a Confirmation of Completion (Letter), certification bootcamps are eligible for a digital badge (link to digital badge page). Digital badges verify the skills you have attained in your completed course and allow you to promote these accomplishments on your social media.
Payment Options
During enrollment, you will have the option to pay immediately with a credit card or to invoice your employer. If you choose to invoice your employer, the Center will send an invoice to the contact information you provide, and payment is due within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Visit our Tuition Assistance webpage to learn more.
Some organizations have different fees and payment options through partnerships with the Center. To learn more, visit the Partners webpage.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
If you need to cancel your registration, please call 314-977-3226 and allow at least 5 business days prior to the first class. If you do not cancel at least 5 business days in advance, you will be charged for the class. However, students are able to retake the class within one year at no charge. There are some exceptions to this rule - contact the Center for more information.
Additionally, the Workforce Center reserves the right to cancel classes at any time. We will contact all registered students via phone and email to let them know if a class has been cancelled, and we will do our best to reschedule the class at the students' convenience.
Complimentary parking is available to registered students and guests of the Workforce Center in the Theresa Parking Lot. Students will be emailed parking permits and the gate access code prior to class starting. Guests can obtain a parking permit at the front desk of the Workforce Center on the first floor of 3547 Olive Street. For more information, visit the Directions and Maps webpage.
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.