
Course Description

ESD100 - Embedded System Hardware Architecture Essentials

18 Hours | 1.8 CEUs | $2,295

  • In this course students learn the key concepts of embedded systems hardware design. Gaining an inside look at some of the most common embedded systems and the functional blocks within those systems, students in this course examine hardware components and their interfaces as well as important design considerations. They learn embedded systems design considerations and several approaches to system building common in the industry. Other key concepts in embedded hardware design include memories used in embedded systems and their interfaces, basic concepts in microprocessors, microcontrollers, digital signal processors (DSP), and the typical buses used at the system level.
  • After completing the course, you will see how the key concepts in embedded hardware design fit together, including the interaction of these hardware components as well as important design considerations.

PSE300 - Introduction to Hardware Hacking

18 Hours | 1.8 CEUs | $2,295

  • In this course students explore hardware hacking on embedded devices. Different types of embedded systems are analyzed: revealing the designs, components, security limits, and reverse-engineering challenges required to execute a hardware attack. Next the class explores hardware interfaces, ports and communication protocols, electrical signaling, tips for analyzing firmware images, and more. In the labs the student takes the role of the hacker, performing fault-injection, side-channel (SCA), and simple and differential power analysis (SPA/DPA) attacks on real devices.
  • Class will follow the text, The Hardware Hacking Handbook.

PSE400 - Cryptography Implementation

18 Hours | 1.8 CEUs | $2,295

  • In this course, students learn to deploy cryptographic tools to secure their applications and services. Students will create secure communications in public channels using public-key cryptography. They will also explore methods of authenticating messages to ensure that they haven’t been tampered with in transit. And lastly, they will learn how to use digital signatures and zero-knowledge proofs to let others verify the messages sent through your services.
  • Class will follow the text, The Hardware Hacking Handbook.

Classes are delivered in Central Time Zone and class times are notated on each course link.

Corporate discounts are applied in the cart/checkout.


To ensure success in this certificate, students should have completed:

PRODSEC.PRO - Product Security Professional


54 Hours | 5.4 CEUs | 9 Days or 18 Nights
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Product Security Tamper Resistance Certificate
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Delivery Option
Course Fee(s)
Rate non-credit $6,885.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

To complete "Product Security Tamper Resistance Certificate", you must enroll in ESD100PSE300, & PSE400. Click on each course link for more details and to add to cart:

Embedded System Hardware Architecture Essential (ESD100): pick one

  • Starts Feb 24, 26, Mar 3, 5, 10, 12

Introduction to Hardware Hacking (PSE300): pick one

  • Starts May 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21

Cryptography Implementation (PSE400)pick one

  • Starts Jun 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18
Required fields are indicated by .
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.