Course Description
This course will be structured around class projects. Each project will use, as each student sees fit, the material discussed during the lecture. Each project will involve performing some sort of image processing exploration/development using the matlab programming environment. The submitted materials for each project will include source code, a report detailing the exploration/development, and in some cases a presentation to the class.Course Outline
- Computer Vision
- Homogeneous coordinates 2D
- Points and lines (representation and operations)
- Transformations such as rotation, scaling, translation, shear) and Composition
- Homogeneous coordinates 3D
- Lines and planes (representation and operations)
- Transformations such as rotation, scaling, translation, shear) and Composition
- Rodriguez’s Formula and Quaternions (definition and algebra)
- Linear Interpolation (LERP) and Spherical Linear Interpolation (SLERP)
- Projections: Orthographic, Para-Perspective
- Pin-hole camera
- Perspective projection (transformation)
- Near-Far clipping planes, Disparity
- Camera
- Calibration matrix, Projective Disparity, Homography
- Distortion (radial)
- Pose Estimation
- Photometry
- Image formation, Optics fundamentals, Vignetting
- The human vision system, color and color spaces
- Camera Calibration and Vanishing points
- Homogeneous coordinates 2D
- Image Processing
- Gray-scale vs. color, histograms, compression, etc.
- Basic image operations like point processing, and masking (convolving with masks for smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, etc.)
- Feature extraction (edge detection, gradients, motion & optical flow in video, region features such as color avgs & stdvs, textures, shape, centroid, etc.)
- Image segmentation (various approaches)
- Salient points (SIFT, etc.)
- Select areas from the following:
- face recognition
- object identification (via color & shape indicators)
- content-based image retrieval
- Image registration
- Principal component analysis
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*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.