Course Description
Short Course | 24 hours | 2.4 CEUs
In this course students learn the basics of using the Vulkan graphics and compute API. Vulkan is a new API by the Khronos group, also known for OpenGL, that provides a better abstraction of modern graphics cards, as well as a new interface that results in better performance and less surprising driver behavior when compared to existing APIs like OpenGL. In addition, Vulkan has the advantage of being fully cross-platform compatible and allows you to develop for Windows, Linux and Android at the same time.
Course Outline
- Overview of Vulkan
- Introduction
- Setup
- Instances, Devices, and Queues
- Object Types and Functions Conventions
- Managing Memory
- Multithreading
- Mathematical Concepts
- Layers and Extensions
- Shutting Down
- Memory and Resources
- Host Memory Management
- Resources
- Device Memory Management
- Queues and Commands
- Device Queues
- Commands and Command Buffers
- Moving Data
- Managing Resource State
- Clearing and Fulling Buffers and Images
- Copying Image Data
- Copying Compressed Image Data
- Stretching Images
- Presentation
- Presentation Extension
- Presentation Surfaces
- Swap Chains
- Full-Screen Surfaces
- Shaders and Pipelines
- Overview of GLSL
- Overview of SPIR-V
- Pipelines
- Resource Access in Shaders
- Graphics Pipeline
- The Logical Graphics Pipeline
- Renderpasses
- The Framebuffer
- Drawing
- Vertex Data
- Indexed Draws
- Instancing
- Indirect Draws
- Geometry Processing
- Tessellation
- Geometry Shades
- Programmable Point Size
- Line Width and Rasterization
- User Clipping and Culling
- The Viewport Transformation
- Fragment Processing
- Scissor Testing
- Depth and Stencil Operations
- Multisample Rendering
- Logic Operations
- Color Blending
- Synchronization
- Fences
- Events
- Semaphores
- Getting Data Back
- Queries
- Reading Data with the Host
- Multipass Rendering
- Input Attachments
- Attachment Contents
- Programming in C++ and Introduction to OpenGL or equivalent experience.
24 hours | 4 Days or 8 NightsLoading...
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*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.