Course Description
This course introduces students to the basic theory and applications in Global Positioning Systems. Topics include calculating location, satellite orbits, GPS errors and biases, GPS data, applications, and other types of navigation systems. Students receive experience in determining location using GPS receivers and computer software to collect, process, and correct GPS data.Learner Outcomes
Through completion of this course students should:- Learn the basics behind the theory of satellite positioning systems and their applications
- Understand how GPS works and how a receiver’s location is computed
- Be able to collect, process, correct, and share GPS data using receivers and computers
- Demonstrate an understanding of spatial coordinates, datums, and projections
- Use GPS to report on the location of features around campus
GEO5010 - Introduction to GIS or equivalent experience.Duration
30 HoursLoading...
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*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.