
Course Description

CLA200 Programming in C++

30 Hours | 3 CEUs | $2,995.00

  • This course teaches the syntax and constructs of the Standard C++ programming language. The student will learn the syntax of the language, as well as how to code and execute object-oriented C++ programs.

AND 30 hours from the following electives

JAV160 Fast Track to Java and OO Development

30 Hours | 3 CEUs | $2,995.00

  • This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Java. It is suitable for programmers with good working programming experience (no Java experience needed).
  • In addition to covering basic Java programming, the course provides a solid understanding of the core OO and Java concepts and practices needed to create well-designed Java programs. This includes creating well-designed Java classes, encapsulation, composition, and inheritance/interfaces.
  • The material and labs include coverage of useful new Java capabilities such as the new module structure (Java 9), type inference (Java 10-11), and API enhancements. It also introduces important APIs such as the Java Collections Framework, and JDBC/JPA. This course is suitable for environments using Java 9-12. It also covers details of the Java release cycle, and Long Term Support (LTS) releases. Be prepared to work hard and learn a great deal!

SWD 125 Software Testing Workshop

12 Hours | 1.2 CEUs | $1,395.00

  • Software Testing is a crucial part of the software development process. It requires a methodical and disciplined approach to preventing, finding and reporting bugs. Needed software testing skills are not commonly taught to software developers, business analysts or project managers. The Software Testing workshop provides a complete picture of the testing process, how it fits into the development life cycle, how to properly scope and prioritize testing activities, and what techniques to use for optimal results.

SWD200 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML

30 Hours | 3 CEUs | $2,595.00

  • Real-world analysis and design techniques, including the Unified Process, Agile Processes, UML and Design Patterns.
  • This course teaches proven real-world techniques to meet the biggest challenge in the software development community - building quality systems which fulfill your requirements and delivering them on time. The focus of the course is to give you the practical skills that are most critical in building well designed software systems. It is extremely hands-on and applied, as well as giving you the formal knowledge you need to be fully conversant in this important area.
  • Participants will finish this course with a thorough understanding of what OOAD is (and is not), what are the techniques and choices that are available, how to use the techniques, and most importantly, when to use a particular technique to best effect, and when not to use it (e.g. - to avoid “analysis paralysis”). Software built using these techniques has a very high success rate industry wide.
  • The course focuses on three areas:
    • Concepts: OO concepts & best practices
    • Notation: OO diagramming notation (UML)
    • Process: Process of developing OO systems
  • Each area is introduced individually for clarity, and then all three are brought together with added depth in the context of a group project. The group project gives participants the chance to apply what they have learned, and reflects the team environment most people are working in.
  • The course includes coverage of the most useful tools that exist today, including: Using Unified Modeling Language (UML) to document designs, documenting requirements with Use Cases, static and dynamic system modeling, software processes (Unified Process/RUP/Agile), Design Patterns, and coverage of best practices in software development.

SWD350 Introduction to OpenGL

18 Hours | 1.8 CEUs | $1,995.00

  • OpenGL is a powerful software interface used to produce high-quality, computer- generated images and interactive applications using 2D and 3D objects and color bitmaps and images. In this course students learn the basics of platform-independent graphics programming using OpenGL. Topics include creating windows, rendering primitives, basic transformations, 3-D viewing and modeling, as well as an introduction to shading, lighting and texturing effects.

Course Outline



60 Hours | 6 CEUs | 10 Days or 20 Nights
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Software Engineering - Programming Certificate
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
Starting At non-credit $5,590.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

To complete "Software Engineering - Programming Certificate", you must enroll in CLA200 and take 30 hours of electives from the following courses: JAV160, SWD125, SWD200SWD350. Click on each course link for more details and to add to cart:

Programming in C++ (CLA200): pick one

  • Starts Jan 28, 30, Feb 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
  • Starts Apr 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, May 5, 7, 12, 14
  • Starts May 20, 22, 27, 29, Jun 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 24

AND 30 hours from the following electives:

Fast Track to Java and OO Development (JAV160): pick one

  • TBA

Software Testing Workshop (SWD125)pick one

  • Starts May 13, 15, 20, 22
  • Starts Aug 4, 6, 11, 13

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML (SWD200)pick one

  • Starts Mar 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27, Apr 1, 3, 8, 10

Introduction to OpenGL (SWD350)pick one

  • TBA


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*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.