Course Description
Short Course | 12 hours | 1.2 CEUs | $950
This course provides a comprehensive overview of hacking and cybersecurity defense and response tools and techniques. It incorporates several hands-on exercises utilizing the same attack methods used by hackers and cybersecurity professionals. The course starts with a discussion of why people hack and how they hack. It then focuses on the methods used, including the initial foot printing of the target, scanning the network and finally enumerating target host machines. The second day focuses on the measures necessary to protect your network from the threat. Topics include understanding your network traffic, firewalls, host hardening, intrusion detection systems and network design. Tools used for this class include: Nessus, Nmap, SuperScan, Snort, Fport, John the Ripper, and many others.
SEC300 is the third course in the Cybersecurity Professional Certificate. To complete the certificate students will also enroll in SEC100, SEC200, SEC400, & SEC500. Click on each course link for more details and to add to cart.
Course Outline
- Hackers
- Hacker Overview
- Are you a target?
- Hack Profiles
- Attack Sophistication Diagram
- How do they do it?
- Foot printing
- Open Source Options – Whois
- Lab Exercise
- Scanning
- Network Scanning
- Port Scanning
- Types of TCP Scans
- UDP Scanning
- What are they looking for?
- Lab Exercise
- Enumeration, Gaining Access, Escalating Privileges, Covering Traps, Creating Backdoors
- Enumerating Accounts, Shares, System Information
- Gaining Access – Password Cracking
- Pilfering
- Covering Traps
- Creating Backdoors
- Lab Exercise
- Denial of Service, Social Engineering, Google Hacking
- Denial of Service
- Social Engineering
- Google Hacking
- Web Based Attacks
- SQL Injection
- Cross Site Scripting
- Lab Exercise
- Finishing Up
- How to Protect Yourself
- Helpful Links
- Lab Exercise
- SEC200 Security Architecture and Controls,
- TCP/IP Fundamentals or equivalent
12 Hours | 2 Days or 4 Nights
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.