Course Description
Short Course | 18 hours | 1.8 CEUs | $1,995
In this Python training course, students already familiar with Python programming will learn advanced Python techniques such as Jupyter Notebook, the Collections module, mapping and filtering, lamba functions, advanced sorting, working with regular expressions in Python, working with databases, CSV files, JSON and XM, writing object-oriented code, testing and debugging and learning about Unicode and text encoding. This advanced Python course is taught using Python 3, however, differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted.
PYT200 is the second course in the Python Programming Certificate. To complete the certificate students will also enroll in PYT100, & PYT300. Click on each course link for more details and to add to cart.
Course Outline
1. Jupyter Notebook
- Getting Started with Jupyter Notebook
- Creating Your First Jupyter Notebook
- Jupyter Notebook Modes
- Useful Shortcut Keys
- Markdown
- Magic Commands
- Getting Help
2. Advanced Python Concepts
- Advanced List Comprehensions
- Collections Module
- Mapping and Filtering
- Lambda Functions
- Advanced Sorting
- Unpacking Sequences in Function Calls
- Modules and Packages
3. Regular Expressions
- Regular Expression Syntax
- Python’s Handling of Regular Expressions
4. Working with Data
- Databases
- Getting Data from the Web
5. Classes and Objects
- Creating Classes
- Attributes, Methods and Properties
- Extending Classes
- Documenting Classes
- Static, Class, Abstract Methods
- Decorator
6. Testing and Debugging
- Creating Simulations
- Testing for Performance
- The unittest Module
7. Unicode and Encoding
- Encoding and Decoding Files in Python
- Converting a File from cp1252 to UTF-8
- Python – Introduction or equivalent experience
18 Hours | 3 Days or 6 Nights
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.