Course Description
Short Course | 30 hours | 3.0 CEUs | $2,995
This course teaches the syntax and constructs of the Standard C++ programming language. The student will learn the syntax of the language, as well as how to code and execute object-oriented C++ programs.
CLA200 is the first course in the C++ Programming Certificate. To complete the certificate students will also enroll in CLA300. Click on each course link for more details and to add to cart.
Course Outline
- Course Introduction
- Course Objectives
- Course Overview
- Suggested References
- Classes
- Creating a Data Structure
- Methods
- Object Scope
- C++ Input and Output
- Namespaces
- Data Abstraction
- Enforcing Data Encapsulation
- File Organization
- Classes in C++
- Objects
- This Pointer
- Constructors and Destructors
- Debug Output
- The Default Constructor
- When are Constructors Called?
- The Destructor
- The Copy Constructor
- Other Constructors
- Why Did It Work Before?
- Composition
- The Report Class
- Code Reuse
- Initialization Lists
- Inheritance
- Inheritance
- Bugreport
- Protected Access Modifier
- Access and Inheritance
- Constructors and Inheritance
- Initialization Lists Revisited
- Multiple Inheritance
- Virtual Functions
- Inheritance and Assignment
- Inside Report’s Assignment Operator
- Using Pointers – a Quick Look at Basics
- Class Assignment and Pointers
- Static Binding
- Dynamic Binding
- Polymorphism
- The show_rep() Function
- Using the show_rep() Function
- Designing Member Function Inheritance
- Pure Virtual Functions
- Bugfix and Its Relationship with Bugreport
- Bugfix: Association with Bugreport
- Using Bugfix with show_rep()
- Adding Bugfix to the Hierarchy
- Coding for the Document Class
- Reexamining the Document Class
- Pure Virtual Functions
- Updated: Designing Member Function Inheritance
- References and Constants
- References
- Displaying References
- Changing References
- Pass by Reference
- Returning by Reference
- Constant Variables
- Constant References
- Constant Methods
- New and Delete
- New and Delete
- Array Allocation
- The Report Class
- Compiler Version of the Copy Constructor
- Guidelines for Copy Constructors
- The Report Constructors and New
- The Report Destructor and Delete
- Virtual Destructors
- Casting in C++
- Casting: A Review
- New Casting Syntax
- Creating a String Class
- The String Class
- The Conversion Constructor
- Expanding Our Casting Options
- Casting Operator
- Using the Casting Operator
- Class Methods and Data
- Class Data
- Class Methods
- Using the New Data
- More on Class Methods
- Overloaded Functions
- Function Overloading
- Using Overloaded Functions
- Rules for Overloading
- Overloading Based on Constness
- Default Arguments
- Invoking Functions with Default Arguments
- Overloaded Operators
- The Basics of Overloading
- Overloading operator+
- Coping with Commutativity
- Non-Commutative Operators
- Friends and Their Problems
- The Assignment Operator
- Overloading the << Operator
- Using Date with Cout
- Exception Handling
- Why Exception Handling?
- Try / Catch / Throw
- Exception Classes
- Standard Exception Hierarchy
- Multiple Catch Blocks
- Catching Everything
- Unhandled Exceptions
- Exception in Constructors and Destructors
- Designing for Exceptions
- Standard Template Library
- Class Template Concepts
- Standard Template Library (STL) Overview
- Containers
- Iterators
- Iterator Syntax
- Non-Mutating Sequential Algorithms
- Mutating Sequential Algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms
- Numeric Algorithms
- auto_ptr Class
- String Class
- STL Containers
- Container Classes
- Container Class Algorithms
- Vector Class
- Additional vector Class Methods
- Deque Class
- List Class
- Set and Multiset Classes
- Map and Multimap Classes
Programming in C or equivalent experience.Duration
30 Hours | 5 Days or 10 NightsLoading...
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*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.