
Course Description

LIN300 - Ansible Automation

18 Hours | 1.8 CEUs | $2,295

  • This course presents the system management and configuration tool Ansible, from methods, techniques, capabilities to implementation. Each participant will learn how to configure an Ansible control machine along with the impact on the Linux system. A lot of time and attention will be spent in learning, writing, and applying playbook definitions, the key part of Ansible that allows the synchronization of environments easily and uniformly, to apply to Linux, Unix and Windows systems.

LIN374 - Ansible Configuration and Management

24 Hours | 2.4 CEUs | $3,495

  • This Intermediate to Advanced level Ansible training course takes a deep-dive into further automating provisioning, configure management, and deployment using Ansible. Attendees master additional topics in Ansible playbook construction, module utilization, role configuration, and node management.
  • This course presents the system management and configuration tool Ansible, from methods, techniques, capabilities to implementation. Each participant will learn advanced techniques to configure an Ansible control node along with the impact on the Linux system. Time and attention will be spent in learning, writing, and applying complex playbook features - the key part of Ansible that allows the synchronization of environments easily and uniformly. The Ansible Tower, from installation to both internal and external usage will also be presented.
  • This course includes all of the topics in the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform class (DO374) plus a lot more, for example, writing and implementing a custom Ansible Python module.
  • This course is directed towards working systems administrators, software developers, application testers, and quality assurance personnel.

Classes are delivered in Central Time Zone and class times are notated on each course link.

Corporate discounts are applied in the cart/checkout.


42 Hours | 4.2 CEUs | 7 Days or 14 Nights

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Ansible Certificate
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Delivery Option
Course Fee(s)
Rate non-credit $5,790.00
Potential Discount(s)
Section Notes

To complete "Ansible Certificate", you must enroll in LIN300, & LIN374 and take the courses in chronological order. Click on each course link for more details and to add to cart:

Ansible Automation (LIN300): pick one

  • Starts Mar 24, 26, 31, Apr 2, 7, 9
  • Starts Aug 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20

Ansible Configuration and Management (LIN374)pick one

  • Starts June 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 24, 26, Jul 1
Required fields are indicated by .
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.