Course Description
18 Hours | 1.8 CEUs | $1,995
Python is a dynamic, strongly typed, object-oriented, multipurpose scripting language for the web. In this hands-on course students first learn the basics of writing and running Python scripts and then move into more advanced topics like file operations, regular expressions, working with binary data, and how to use Python modules. Topics include basic Python language components, the IDLE environment, control flow constructs, strings, I/O, collections, classes, modules, and regular expressions.
18 Hours | 1.8 CEUs | $1,995
In this Python training course, students already familiar with Python programming will learn advanced Python techniques such as: IPython Notebook; the Collections module; mapping and filtering; lamba functions; advanced sorting; working with regular expressions; working with databases, CSV files, JSON and XML; writing object-oriented code; testing and debugging; and learning about Unicode and text encoding. This advanced Python course is taught using Python 3, however, differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted.
Python Programming for Data Analysis
12 Hours | 1.2 CEUs | $1,295
This is a rapid introduction to NumPy, pandas and matplotlib for experienced Python programmers who are new to those libraries. Students will learn to use NumPy to work with arrays and matrices of numbers; learn to work with pandas to analyze data; and learn to work with matplotlib from within pandas.
Additional Information
- Classes are delivered in Central Time Zone and class times are notated on each course link.
- Corporate discounts are applied in the cart / checkout.
48 Hours | 4.8 CEUs | 8 days or 16 Nights*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.