Course Description
Short Course | 18 hours | 1.8 CEUs
Class modules include hands-on labs where you will be able to apply the concepts just learned to developing Selenium automated Java tests. Students will work with a complex Web Application that requires a number of testing scenarios.
Course Outline
- Introduction to Test Automation
- Variations of Test Automation
- Test Harness Tools
- Benefits of Test Automation
- What to test
- The Testing Pyramid
- Test Data
- Introduction to Selenium
- Selenium Suite of Testing Tools
- History of Selenium
- Selenium Browser Drivers
- Version Considerations
- W3C WebDriver Specification
- JSON Wire Protocol
- Selenium Roadmap
- Downloading and Installing Selenium
- Selenium WebDriver
- Introduction to WebDriver
- Test script as Java code
- The Selenium WebDriver library
- The Main WebDriver classes
- WebDriver Capabilities
- Setting up Selenium WebDriver projects
- Using Maven and Gradle build tools
- Working with Selenium WebElements
- WebElements as Nodes in the DOM
- Locating WebElements on the Web Page
- Using Katalon Recorder as a Prototype Time Saver
- Interacting with WebElements
- Retrieving WebElements
- Verifying WebElements
- Submitting a Form
- Working with Selenium Clickable WebElements
- Working with Clickable WebElements
- Handling Radio buttons and Check Boxes
- Working with Select Drop Down Elements
- Working with Clickable WebElements
- Accessing Links Using Selenium WebDriver
- Exact and Partial Link Text Match
- Case-sensitivity
- Using CSS to Locate WebElemtents
- Accessing Tables Using Selenium WebDriver
- HTML Tables Structure
- Advanced Strategies for Locating WebElements
- Using XPath to find WebElements
- Table Utilities
- Selenium Patterns and Testing Frameworks
- Testing Frameworks
- Modular
- Data Driven
- Keyword-Driven
- Hybrid
- Using Apache POI to Access Test Data
- Testing Frameworks
- The Selenium Page Factory
- Introduction to the Page Factory
- PageFactory implicit Instantiations
- Page Factory Annotations
- Lazy Instantiations and Caching
- Working with Multiple Windows
- Working with alert pop-ups
- Switching between multiple windows
- Working with iFrames
- Dealing with OS Generated pop-ups
- Controlling Test Execution
- Waiting on a Web Page Element
- Implicit Waits
- Explicit Waits
- Specifying Expected Conditions
- Working with Ajax Controls Using WebDriver
- Overview of Ajax
- Issues testing Ajax model
- Pros and Cons of different methods to wait on Ajax
- Advanced User Interactions
- Introduction to Advanced User Interactions
- Keyboard & Mouse Events
- Building a Series of Multiple Actions
- Advanced Web Application Access
- Taking Screenshot Using WebDriver
- Working with Colors
- HTML5 Considerations
- Handling HTML5 Date Time Picker Using Selenium
- Working with Non-Text Pressable Keys or Unicode PUA Code points
- Menu Selection
- Selenium Wisdom
- Selenium Guidelines and Recommendations
- Selenium Worst Practices to Avoid
- Selenium References
This is a hands on course designed for Web and Test Engineer Developers who are new to Selenium.
Students should have a background in
- Developing Java applications in an IDE like Eclipse
- Web technologies
- Testing concepts
- Knowledge of HTML DOM and Object Oriented Development is helpful
18 Hours | 3 Days or 6 NightsLoading...
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*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.
*Academic Unit eligibility to be determined by college/university in which you are enrolled in a degree seeking program.